Many of you who regularly attend class have heard me recount the story of a conversation that I had with a dear friend who works for the Center for Disease Control. It was early on in the pandemic and I thought that she might be able to slide me some inside information, which turned out...
I am thrilled to announce that Yoga Teacher Un-Training is now open for registration. This 6-month immersion program is an honest inquiry into the relevance of yoga practices for our modern times. It is by far the most rewarding course that I've ever taught, mainly because it allows me to present only the techniques and principles that...
After a year-long hiatus due to the pandemic, Keith will be resurrecting both his weekly beginner's class and his ever-popular restorative class. Starting this very weekend, Keith's Begin at the Beginning class will take place on Saturdays from 4:30-5:45pm; then his Restorative Yoga Unbound class will be held on Sundays from 4:30-5:45pm. Hallelujah!
Ever since moving back to New Orleans from the San Francisco Bay Area I have been searching for a retreat destination that’s far enough away so as to remove us from our everyday lives, but close enough that it can be accessed for a long weekend. And after dreaming, experimenting, and searching for the past...
It’s that time of year again where everything in the world seems to conspire toward making you feel that you are not enough and that you don’t have enough. From the subliminal messaging of advertisements to the carefully-crafted social media posts depicting “the good life,” we are all being assaulted by images suggesting that we...
One of my favorite things about yoga is its capacity to take abstract philosophical concepts and render them real by examining their meaning in the concrete realm of the body. Take for instance several words that are constantly being bandied around these days — equality, inclusivity, and freedom.
One of the unanticipated blessings of the covid crisis is that it has caused a re-examination of many different societal structures and the way that we are living our lives, both individually and collectively. It has prompted questions about what is essential, what matters, and what is sustainable across many different levels.
I am so pleased to announce the return of in-person public classes to the studio. While we are probably still a ways away from the public class schedule of old, at least we now have a few precious opportunities for the collective effervescence that can spontaneously arise in the cradle of a friendly and supportive...
I know that this is a difficult thing to hear right now, and certainly a difficult thing to say, but I can’t shake this feeling that the coronavirus crisis is a huge wake up call for humanity and that are many positive lessons for us to learn from it. I am in no way meaning...
I have been observing the messaging that many yoga studios have been sending out this week in light of the Coronavirus scare, and one of the recurring themes is something along the lines of “we care greatly about our community and are doing everything we can to sanitize our facilities so as to ensure your...
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